
Promoting a safer church

The care and protection of children, young people and adults involved in Church activities is the responsibility of everyone who participates in the life of the Church

Contact People

If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from a Safeguarding Adviser or if necessary report the matter to the Local Authority Social Care Services or the Police without delay. Please also see our List of Helplines & Support Networks in Germany & the UK.

If there is immediate risk of danger please contact the police on 110.

Anglican Church Freiburg safeguarding

Safeguarding Officer
of the Anglican Church Freiburg
Judith Moratscheck

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor
Bridgett Fenton
Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 1446

Our Chaplaincy’s Safeguarding Policy

Anglican Church Freiburg Safeguarding

Our Chaplaincy’s Safeguarding Policy

The protection of children and adults who may be vulnerable from harm is of paramount importance to us. We will not tolerate abuse in any form. As a chaplaincy within the Diocese of Europe, we comply fully with the requirements of the Diocese’s Safeguarding Policy. We will not in any way tolerate the abuse of children or adults.

More Information about Safeguarding Training at the ACF

Within our Chaplaincy we are committed to:

  1. The care, nurture, and respectful pastoral ministry of all children, young persons and adults
  2. The safeguarding and protection of all children, young persons and adults who may be vulnerable
  3. The establishing of safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment where there is a culture of ‘informed vigilance’ as to the dangers of abuse.
  4. The careful selection and training of all those with any safeguarding responsibility within the Church, including the use of available criminal records disclosures and relevant vetting and barring schemes.
  5. Preventing abuse or the likelihood of abuse by encouraging and adopting a pro-active stance to safeguarding; responding to the slightest concern whether by rumour, speculation or from an anonymous source – every safeguarding concern will be taken seriously.
  6. Ensuring that any concern about safeguarding must be passed onto someone in the Diocesan Safeguarding Team as there are no legal barriers to sharing such concerns.
  7. Responding without delay to every complaint made which suggests that a child, young person or adult may have been harmed – co-operating with the local police, relevant local agencies and any other relevant body (eg other faith groups) in any investigation.
  8. Seeking to work with anyone who has suffered abuse, developing with them an appropriate ministry of informed pastoral care.
  9. Seeking to challenge any abuse of power, especially by anyone in a position of trust.
  10. Seeking to offer pastoral care and support, including supervision and referral to the proper authorities, to any member of our church community known to have offended against a child, young person or vulnerable adult.

Helplines & Support Networks

If you feel the need to talk to someone else about your concerns for yourself or others please consider making use of helplines provided by local or national authorities. Please see the links provided below.

Anglican Church Freiburg safeguarding


  • Overview German helplines
    Übersicht zu Krisentelefonen & Anlaufstellen in Notlagen
  • Wildwasser Freiburg e.V.
    Advice and support for girls and women facing sexual abuse.
    (Beratung und Information für Mädchen & Frauen gegen sexuellen Missbrauch.)
  • Wendepunkt Freiburg e.V.
    Specialist centre for children, adults and caregivers fighting sexual abuse
    (Fachstelle für Kinder, Erwachsene und Bezugspersonen gegen sexuellen Missbrauch)
  • Arbeitskreis Leben Freiburg e.V.
    Counselling centre for life crises and suicide prevention
    (Beratungsstelle für Lebenskrisen und Suizidprävention)

Building a Safe Church – Case Review from the Diocese

Here at the ACF, and in the whole Church of England, we strife to be a safe church for all, especially for the most vulnerable among us. In spring 2023, the Diocese in Europe has finished its important work on the Safeguarding Past Cases Review 2 and has shared the executive summary of the Independent Reviewer’s report with the public.

You can find the executive summary here.

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