

It’s great that you would like to get to know us!

The team of the Anglican Church Freiburg is a diverse group of enthusiastic lay people, led by our minister, The Rev’d Vinod Victor.

Our Sunday Worship Services are being led by Rev’d Vinod Victor, assisted by our congregational worship leaders, intercessors, musicians, sides people, tech assistants and even the youngest among us. The church council is responsible for the day-to-day running of our community. Other dedicated members lead prayer groups, some are involved in pastoral care, and and others lend their hand when practical support is needed.

We would love to welcome you at a Sunday Service or one of our other activities.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

All Six Continents represented in the Anglican Church of Freiburg Council

Since 2022 the Anglican Church Freiburg has got one of the most inclusive Councils possible:

With the Vicar from Asia, the Council has representation from North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Australia. Three are Germans and one of them a Bobbele- born and raised in Freiburg. Coming from Nigeria, Columbia, Ghana, Chicago, London and other parts of England, Sydney, Trivandrum and other cities the council will reflect the multi-cultural nature and fabric of the Chaplaincy. With most of them being in Freiburg for over a decade or more they would each truly be able to represent everyone who are part of the life and work of the church.

Rev. Vinod Victor

The Chaplain of the Anglican Church of Freiburg

by Rev. Anilal Jose
(Presbyter of the CSI South Kerala Diocese and the Communication Consultant for AsiaCMS)

The Rev. Vinod Victor was Licenced and installed as the Chaplain of the Freiburg Anglican Church on Sunday the 12th of December 2021 at a meaningful service led by Archdeacon Dr. Leslie Nathaniel. Vinod Victor is an ordained minister of the Church of South India

The Archbishop of Canterbury was pleased to grant him permission to Officiate under the provisions of Section 1 of the Overseas and Other Clergy (Ministry and Ordination) Measure 1967 based on which Bishop David Hamid confirmed his appointment with concurrence from Bishop Robert Innes the Diocesan Bishop and Bishop Dharmaraj Rasalam the Moderator of the Church of South India.

Born in Kerala in South India Vinod did his post-graduation both in English Language and Literature and in History. He did his theological training from the United Theological College Bangalore.

Vinod Victor started his pastoral career as the Synod Youth Secretary of the Church of South India. He then served as the Chaplain to College Students. Vinod was the Co-ordinator of the South Asia Ecumenical Partnership Programme- an initiate of the World Council of Churches and Christian Conference of Asia for the South Asian region and was involved in cross border Leadership Building, Inter Faith matters, Conflict Resolution, Climate Change and in the mitigation of HIV and AIDS. He served as Presbyter of the CSI Cathedral Trivandrum and in the CSI Churches in Barton Hill, Lenin Nagar and Holy Trinity. He also served a term with the Anglican Church of Australia ministering in the St. Matthews Anglican Church Ashburton and pastoring to the Malayalam speaking CSI Diaspora in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. A person with a passionate heart for the vulnerable he served as Manager of the Charitable Society of the South Kerala Diocese ministering to the orphaned and differently abled children. His fervour for mission helped him associate with several mission agencies and he now also serves as the Chairperson of AsiaCMS guiding the ministry of the Church Mission Society in Asia.

Vinod Victor is acknowledged as a pastor who stays close to the hearts of the people and is also a sought after Bible teacher. He has preached in the Maramon Convention which is considered to be one of the biggest global gospel events and has travelled to several countries preaching the Word. Holy Trinity where he last served published his chosen pastoral letters aptly titling the book- Just A Call Away- which describes his pastoral presence. (His pastoral letters to the Anglican Church in Freiburg can be found here.)

Rev. Vinod Victor’s rich experience with multi-cultural ministry and with university students and young adults is expected to be a blessing for Freiburg and the Diocese in Europe. His ecumenical encounters will surely come in handy in the new context.

Vinod Victor is married to Molly Catherine who worked with the Health Department of the Government of Kerala and has joined her spouse in Freiburg. The daughters Giji Anna and Dorothy Rachel are students and the family is gifted with musical abilities and is known for their hospitality. 

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