Our Mission Statement

Building a

Community of Grace

At the Anglican Church in Freiburg we are engaged in a lifelong task which is to build a community, made up of a wonderful mixture of ages and races, whose most abiding quality is ‘grace’.

We believe that the God we have begun to know and worship is full of self-giving grace and it is our hope that in all that we do and are together, grace will be our hallmark. Working out what ‘grace’ means takes time and so in response to the invitation to become such a community  we choose, freely, to commit ourselves to a few guiding qualities. These are:

A commitment to a prayerful lifestyle

A commitment to growing throughout our lives

A commitment to generosity in action and in spirit

A commitment to hospitality and openness

A commitment to living compassionately

A commitment to celebration and gratitude

We believe that in Jesus Christ we see these qualities fully displayed and so it is our hope and prayer that we, as a  community of ordinary people, might reflect some of this grace.

We hope that however long you stay in Freiburg – a few days on holiday or a lifetime – that you will feel at home in our church community. The Anglican Church in Freiburg serves the English-speaking community in and around Freiburg. It is estimated that there are about 3000 English speakers in this beautiful region plus of course many occasional visitors who come to the area on holiday or who study at Freiburg University.

We are a vibrant, growing church. Our aim is to be an open, dynamic Christian community in which people from many different backgrounds can worship, can grow in their understanding and experience of God so that together, we can make a difference in our world.

Whatever your reason for being here, we hope that you will find a warm welcome and an exciting place to discover more about being a friend and follower of Christ, a place that is indeed a community of grace.

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